Month: Nov 2023

Rochester Castle at Christmas

Rochester Castle at Christmas

Alright, my festive comrades, gather round! Today, I’m taking you on a jolly trip to the charming town of Rochester, England, just before the Christmas bells start ringing. From ancient cathedral to bustling Christmas market, this place is a winter wonderland waiting to be explored.

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Gluten Free Peanut Butter Oat Bites

Gluten Free Peanut Butter Oat Bites

Let’s face it – the snack aisle can be a tempting but treacherous place. Rows upon rows of flashy packaging and enticing promises, but what about the stuff we can’t pronounce? That’s where homemade oat bites swoop in like caped crusaders, rescuing us from the snack-time dilemma. Not only are they ridiculously easy to make (seriously, a caveman could do it), but you also get to control what goes into them. No mystery ingredients, just pure, unadulterated yumminess that you can whip up in the comfort of your own kitchen.

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Kintsugi Workshop

Kintsugi Workshop

Today, we’re diving into the beautiful world of Kintsugi – a Japanese art form that celebrates imperfections and turns them into something extraordinary. In this post, I’ll take you through my recent Kintsugi workshop adventure, where I broke and then pieced together a bowl, transforming it into a stunning work of art.

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Hiking in Wye, Kent, England

Hiking in Wye, Kent, England

Life in London undoubtedly comes with numerous perks of a big city, but it proves quite strong in opportunities to get close to the nature too, with plenty good walking spots all around the metropolis. That being said, there are times when I crave a proper hiking experience – or at least one that resembles a hike to some degree. There aren’t any proper mountain ranges close enough to London to go on a day trip, but I have managed to find a few places where I can challenge my legs by going uphill and enjoy beautiful views from a hilltop. One of those spots was near a small village called Wye, placed in the heart of Kent.

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Fox Cross Stitch

Fox Cross Stitch

With all the different arts and crafts I like to pursue, sewing is one I don’t do very often – but also one I would love to get into more. My previous sewing experience is rather humble. I made a Pusheen cat shaped pillow for my siter a few years ago, and I did a couple of simple embroidery and cross stitching projects at school, but that’s about it. However, I recently managed to start (and complete!) a small cross stitch design. And I can’t wait to do another.

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Painting By Numbers – Neon Giraffe

Painting By Numbers – Neon Giraffe

Hey there, fellow craft enthusiasts! I’m back with my latest DIY project, and it’s a real neon-infused beauty – a paint by numbers canvas featuring a vibrantly coloured giraffe. If you haven’t tried one of these paint by number kits for adults yet, you’re missing out on a world of creativity and relaxation. Let me take you through the therapeutic journey of this neon giraffe and how paint by numbers can become your go-to spare time craft and stress relief.

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Winter Wonderland – Hyde Park, London

Winter Wonderland – Hyde Park, London

Alright, my fellow festive fans, it’s that time of year again when London’s Hyde Park transforms into the enchanting wonderland that is… well, Winter Wonderland! If you’ve never experienced it, you’re in for a treat. And if you’re a returning visitor, you’ll know that this winter extravaganza just keeps getting better. So, let’s dive into the twinkling lights, the festive cheer, and all the jolly stuff you can find in this incredible Christmas celebration. Since I moved to London in 2019, Winter Wonderland is an obligatory stop on my pre-Christmas agenda.

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Mini Garden In A Jar

Mini Garden In A Jar

Hello, green-thumbed pals! I recently stumbled upon a gem of an event at our local shopping centre – a free terrarium-making workshop. Trust me when I say this: it’s like making a garden in a jar, and it’s unbelievably cute and low-maintenance. I have wanted to try this craft for ages, and was thrilled to have a chance to do it! So, in this post, I’ll give you the lowdown on what gardens in jars are, and a step-by-step tutorial on how to make your very own. Let’s get our hands dirty!

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Scratch Art Book – Stress Relief

Scratch Art Book – Stress Relief

Hey there, fellow grown-ups! Who said colouring books and playful pastimes are just for kids? It’s time to revisit your childhood with a colourful twist. I’ve already tried colouring books for adults, painting by numbers canvases and sticker mosaics. Today I’m introducing the latest fad in relaxation and creative fun: scratch pages for adults!

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