DIY Cross Stitch Kit – Parrots And Flowers

DIY Cross Stitch Kit – Parrots And Flowers

Hey stitching pals! So, after completing the fox and cactus mini cross stitch projects, I recently embarked on another cross stitch journey. Armed with a kit depicting two vibrant parrots nestled amongst blooming flowers, I dove headfirst into the world of intricate stitching. Let me tell you, it was a rollercoaster ride of colours, challenges, and a heartbreaking loss (RIP, beloved threader).

What’s included in the kit

Let’s rewind a bit to the beginning of this stitch-tastic saga. As I cracked open the kit, I was met with a wave of appreciation for the detailed instructions – a stark contrast to my bewildered beginnings with a mini fox project. Ah, if only I had this guidance back then! It’s a beginner’s dream come true, I tell you.

Apart from the leaflet containing cross stitching instructions and a diagram for the design, the kit also included a plastic hoop, a blank aida, threads in assorted colours, a couple of needles and a threader.

The contents of a cross stitch kit - a blank aida, a plastic hoop, assorted yarn, needles, threader and a leaflet with instructions and design.
DIY Cross Stitch Kit – Parrots and Flowers

Cross stitching the parrots and flowers – step by step

With the help of my trusty threader, I bravely embarked on my parrot project whilst on the train to one of my day trips (more on this in another post). I’ve never used a threader before as the mini kits that I worked with before didn’t include one. It immediately became my new favourite thing since sliced bread. It made my life so much easier, as I could thread a needle within a second! Little did I know that I would face a heartbreak on my journey home, discovering that the threader has mysteriously disappeared. I only got to use it once and to this day I wonder at what point it got lost. 💔

Undeterred by the threader tragedy, I soldiered on, stitching my way through the colourful parrots and blooming flowers. Stitch by stitch, I brought the first parrot to life, starting with the vibrant orange blocks for their bodies and moving on to the cheery yellow flowers and delicate pink accents.

Aida mounted on an embroidery hoop. Orange and yellow parrot cross stitched next to yellow and pink flowers.
DIY Cross Stitch Kit – Parrots and Flowers

Next, I worked on adding the remaining pink flowers.

Aida mounted on an embroidery hoop. Orange and yellow parrot cross stitched next to yellow and pink flowers.
DIY Cross Stitch Kit – Parrots and Flowers

Adding green stems and leaves brought life to the design. It finally looked like I was getting close to the finish line!

Aida mounted on an embroidery hoop. Orange and yellow parrot cross stitched next to yellow and pink flowers. Green stems and leaves added on.
DIY Cross Stitch Kit – Parrots and Flowers

Finally, I moved on to working on the second parrot. The dark blue details were done in no time, though required a lot of attention with counting the squares. I’m still surprised that I didn’t mess it up!

Aida mounted on an embroidery hoop. Orange and yellow parrot cross stitched next to yellow and pink flowers. Green stems and leaves added on. Navy blue details of a second parrot cross stitched too.
DIY Cross Stitch Kit – Parrots and Flowers

The problems started when I moved on to the lighter shade of blue. After completing a few rows, I realised that the colour was too close to the darker hue that I had used for the details. Without enough contrast, everything would turn into one big blob of blue! Can you even tell that in the photo below, there are two shades of blue yarn used?

Colour fiasco. The blue yarn assorted in the kit is too dark.
DIY Cross Stitch Kit – Parrots and Flowers

I decided to take those few rows out and look for a lighter shade of blue in the nearest store. I ended up buying the lightest blue yarn I could get. This time, the contrast with the darker details was strong enough…

Colour fiasco. The blue yarn that I bought is too light.
DIY Cross Stitch Kit – Parrots and Flowers

…but I wasn’t satisfied with how close it was to the white background of the aida. Once again, I decided to take it out and go back to the store.

Third time lucky? I bought a different shade of blue and it was a good enough contrast with both the navy blue and the white background. Phew! I completed cross stitching the body of the blue parrot, which brought me close to finishing the project.

Aida mounted on an embroidery hoop. Orange and yellow parrot cross stitched next to yellow and pink flowers. Green stems and leaves added on. Second parrot cross stitched with blue yarn.
DIY Cross Stitch Kit – Parrots and Flowers

Last – but not least – I had to add the parrots’ eyes, beaks and feet. I was a little confused to realise that the diagram suggested that those should be black, but there was brown yarn included in the kit instead. Nonetheless, it looked alright. Just like that, I managed to complete the parrots and flowers cross stitch design.

Completed cross stitch design of an orange and blue parrot among yellow and pink flowers.
DIY Cross Stitch Kit – Parrots and Flowers

One last thing I need to share is the back of the completed design. I have to admit that my previous sewing projects, beautiful at first glance, would give a sewing professional a heart attack if they looked at the back side of them. Knots and tangled mess everywhere you look! This time, however, I was determined to keep the design tidy on both sides. Whenever I discovered the tiniest knot, I would backtrack to detangle it, even if it meant going back a few rows. It took me extra time and effort, but the result is so satisfying!

The neat back of a completed cross stitch design of an orange and blue parrot among yellow and pink flowers. No mess or knots.
DIY Cross Stitch Kit – Parrots and Flowers

My review of the cross stitch parrots and flowers kit

  • Colour Conundrum: The kit’s discrepancies left me backtracking and making extra yarn purchases – a minor inconvenience, but a frustration nonetheless.
  • Affordable and Accessible: Despite the colour mishaps, I still believe these kits are a fantastic way to dip your toes into the world of cross stitching. Affordable, convenient, and brimming with creative potential. I paid £3.49 for the kit and another £3 for the two extra shades of blue yarn.
  • Sneaky Packaging: Unlike other kits I’ve tried, this one lacked a real photo of the completed project, leaving me questioning whether the creators had ever actually stitched it themselves. All the product photos had the digital image of the design applied onto a real photo of the hoop with an aida. Suspicious! Perhaps that’s why the kit ended up in a discount store (TK Maxx).
  • Lost and Found: My heart still aches for the lost threader, but hey, such is life. On the bright side, it provided a valuable lesson in the art of letting go (of material possessions).
  • Slow and Steady Wins the Race: Compared to my mini projects, this one took significantly longer to complete – a testament to the intricate nature of the design. It took me about a week and a half to complete in my spare time.

Happy stitching!

Despite the trials and tribulations, I emerged victorious, my parrots finally adorned with eyes, beaks, and feet (albeit in brown instead of black, but hey, we roll with it). And as I gazed upon my completed masterpiece, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment – a testament to the joys of cross stitching, threader mishaps and all.

So, fellow stitching enthusiasts, take heed of my parrot peril and colour conundrum. Dive into the world of cross stitching with gusto, but be prepared for the occasional hiccup along the way. After all, it’s all part of the crafting adventure. Until next time, happy stitching!

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