DIY Cross Stitch Kit – Monstera Plant

DIY Cross Stitch Kit – Monstera Plant

You may have noticed that I’ve been enjoying cross stitching this year. I’ve lost count of all the little cross stitching projects I’ve finished. Well, I’ve just completed another one! This time, it was a monstera design, which was perfect for me, as I’m a proud owner of an indoor jungle, including two lush monstera plants.

Unlike the previous cross stitch projects I finished this year, this kit came with a printed canvas. I would have loved it for the very first cross stitch set! In the box, there was also assorted yarn, needles and a bamboo hoop, as well as detailed instructions. 

The contents of the DIY cross stitch kit with a monstera design: A bamboo hoop, an aida with printed design, a needle, yarn in assorted colours and two leaflets with the diagram and instructions.
DIY Cross Stitch Kit – Monstera

Cross stitching on a printed canvas turned out much easier and quicker than when you start with a blank aida. No need to count the squares and triple check that you got them right. Great for a relaxing evening when you need your brain to switch off. However, I also found it less satisfying as I couldn’t see the design gradually come to life. It was there from the start!

Half-completed cross-stitch project featuring a monstera plant in a pink pot.
DIY Cross Stitch Kit – Monstera

It wasn’t long before I had the whole project completed. It’s certainly one of the prettiest ones I’ve done so far!

Completed cross-stitch project featuring a monstera plant in a pink pot.
DIY Cross Stitch Kit – Monstera

I’m not convinced if printed canvas cross stitching is for me, I’ll probably stick to square counting in the future. But, I do think it’s a great option if you’re only taking the first steps in cross stitching and want to practise the sewing without the additional requirement to keep track of the rows.

If you’re a cross stitcher yourself, which one do you prefer?

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